
Photo Monkey for Windows 8
Apply photo effects on your Windows 8 device....
microsoft picture manager aplikasi untuk edit vcd cutter pro garmin asus a50 micro mini bikini

Pic in Pic Effect to MPG
Convert video with Picture in Picture effect to MPEG video....

Tool for typesetting graphs and diagrams in TeX...
diagram mathematical typesetting graph typeset subtitle typesetting

Empty Pic
Hides (and completely restores) a GIF picture by movingthe color palette and replacing it with a single color. These files can be used as Web Site background. Anyone else can download them with the ri...
custom color palette replacing files color palette creator color palette design color palette

P16PRO PIC programmer: You can use P16PRO, David Tait's or almost all other printer port based hardware schemes by using P16PRO's Hardware setup feature....
Hardware Switch hardware Hardware Detail modest hardware hardware acceleration

Select mat colors and styles for your digital and traditional printed artwork....
Display options data entry form image matting theam pic monkey photo

Sticky-note type resizable picture viewer, can be configured to stay on top of all windows.Requires the VB 5.0 Runtimes....

ASCII Pic allows you to convert bitmaps (*.bmp) and JPEGs (*.jpg) into plain text files (*.txt)...

Pic To Text
Allows you to convert pictures to text...
Image Converter image to text image2text convert pictures picture to text

Shrink Pic
This enables you to send dozens of pictures as email attachments - quickly and with no effort at all...

Pic Puppy
Pic Puppy is a utility tool/media player...