
Not Yet Another Query
A small tool that helps developing .NET database applications...
development database database query query database development

Simple Query
Create your own queries and accept native language to describe user's requests....
accept create queries query tool Language Integrated QUeries describe

File Query
A simple yet powerful file search utility...

NS Query
NS Query is a simple, fast protable GUI version of NSLookup which let you run name resolve queries from DNS servers. The results can be saved to a text file. More information can be found in the inclu...

Execute Query
Run and execute your database query statements....

DB query
Distributed client/server application for database querying and browsing...
Server Data Protection run query Distributed Application password finder File Protection Query

ABIS Query
Create SQL request and directly save to Excel...

Database Query
Database Query is a combination of two different ideas....
plug-in database perform sql querie SQL ODBC analyze database

Thottbot Query
This widget allows you to search the Thottbot website for World of Warcraft related content....
WOW Warcraft World of Warcraft widget World of Warcraft game related widget

WMI Query
WMI Query is a tool for querying the WMI Interface in Windows with tons of system information...

Browse by Query
Query your code with the help of this tool....

Query Application
Shows up all of the Internet technical information...

DNS Query
DNS Query will resolve an IP address for a specific host name and vice versa...

Query constructor
Tiny SQL text constructor....

Query Analyzer Plus
View and manage your databases with this tool....

Query Maker
Query information from the Internet and navigate Web pages....
space information query Navigate Internet query user information